Mentors Available
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Mentorship-Wiki Articles

Mentees: Participation | Requirements

What are the requirements to participate as a mentee at alma? 
You must must study or have studied at the IMC University of Applied Sciences.

I have already finished my studies, can I still participate?
You decide for yourself, at which point in time a mentorship is appropriate for you.

I already have a job lined up after graduation, can I sign up for alma anyway?
You decide for yourself which questions you want to work on in the mentorship. You will still be in a transitional phase, where accompaniment can be useful.

I do not live in Krems, can I still participate?
You can use the alma platform independent of location. We recommend personal meetings with mentors and you can also use the site to search for mentors in your area, however, online-meetings are a perfectly good way to conduct a mentorship.

How can I delete my account?
You can either delete or deactivate your account in your profile in the section "my data".
We recommend that you deactivate your profile in case you might want to use alma Mentoring again at a later time. The deletion of your profile will remove all your uploaded data irreversibly from our servers and you will no longer be able to access data from past mentorships. 

Mentees: Finding a mentor

What is the best way to find a mentor?
See our tips for finding mentors

I am not satisfied with the suggested profiles, what can I do?
Try to change your search criteria, for example, instead of setting your field of study gradually set the superordinate categories. 
If you are still not finding appropriate mentors, please contact us for support.

The mentor I chose lives somewhere else, can we still start a mentorship? 
You can conduct a mentorship at any time via chat, phone or video call. You can arrange a way that is most comfortable for both of you.

My first language is not German. Can I also take up a mentorship in a another language?
Mentors have the option to specify languages in which they offer mentoring. To find appropriate mentors, please enter your desired language into the free text search and check the displayed profiles to see if the mentors have indicated your preferred language.

Mentors: Participation | Requirements

What are the requirements for alma mentors?
All IMC University of Applied Sciences Alumni who want like to share their professional experience with students or young alumni can become mentors. Find more information about your role as a mentor the Guide for Mentors.

Do I get paid to be a mentor?
No, mentoring is a voluntary activity. However, we offer access to alumni-networks and exclusive training offers. 

What are my benefits from participating as a mentor?
At the end of a successful mentorship-process not only the mentees will have profited, but also the mentors: Mentorship improves your advisory skills, the exchange with mentees will give you new ideas, broaden your horizons and you might also look at your own career path from a new perspective. We also offer you access to networks and exclusive education offers.

How can I delete my account?
You can either delete or deactivate your account in your profile in the section "my data".
We recommend that you deactivate your profile in case you might want to use alma Mentoring again at a later time. The deletion of your profile will remove all your uploaded data irreversibly from our servers and you will no longer be able to access data from past mentorships.

General topics: Support

We are here for you in all cases and for all of your questions. However, please check before you send a request, whether the information you are looking for can also be found on the alma platform, e.g. here in the FAQs or the Forum.
In urgent cases, please feel free to call us so that we can help you immediately!

General topics: Mentorship: Process | Arrangements

How long does a mentorship last?
We recommend a duration of about 5-8 months and a frequency of about one meeting per month. However, the duration and frequency of each mentorship is an individual arrangement between mentee and mentor.

How can I cancel my mentorship?
You can cancel a mentorship in the "Mentorship" section of your profile. 

I want to change the duration of a mentorship. Is that possible?
Changes to the mentorship-agreement require the consent of both parties, but it can be changed at any time during the course of a mentorship.

My mentor / mentee does not contact me anymore, what can I do?
Please contact us for support.

I would like to suspend my mentorship for now and resume at a later date. Is that possible?
Any changes to a mentorship that mentor and mentee agree upon are possible. Simply extend the timeframe in the mentorship-agreement on the Webiste and send it to you mentor/mentee for confirmation. 

How can I unsubscribe from alma?
You can either delete or deactivate your account in your profile in the section "my data".
We recommend that you deactivate your profile in case you might want to use alma Mentoring again at a later time. The deletion of your profile will remove all your uploaded data irreversibly from our servers and you will no longer be able to access data from past mentorships.
Mentors can also state in their profile that you are not currently available for any mentorships. You will get updates and invitations to events, but no mentorship-requests. We recommend that you do not delete your profile, as your data, achievements and certificates are can no longer be restored. Your data is stored on a securely maintained server. And we're making sure that you - and only you - will have your data available again if you decide to continue with later on with the alma Mentoring.

What do I get with a completed mentorship?
After a successfully completed mentorship successfully completed mentorship you can download a certificate in your profile. 

General topics: alma platform: functionalities | technical issues

The image-upload for mentor-verification does not work.
Please check that your document is in jpg or PDF format and no larger than 5MB.
Alternatively, you can email the document to get verified.

I did not receive a mentorship request via email.
Please check whether the email ended up in your spam folder. You should, however, be able to answer all requests in the "Mentorship"-section of your profile.

Where can I find the mentorship agreement?
The mentorship agreement will only appear in the profile of mentees once an official mentorship-request has been positively answered. Then you can find it in the "Mentorships" section of your profile, if you click on the mentor's name there.